Discord Bot

This project is just a simple discord bot that I made for fun.

Github: here


I created several commands with this bot. The commands are triggered by prefixing a . (dot).

  1. help

    This command gives information about the bot's commands.

    an example of the help command
  2. ping

    The command returns the network latency.

  3. 8ball <question>

    This command answers a given question with a random reply from 20 possible replies.

  4. spam <time> <content>/stopspam/allowspam

    The spam command allows user to spam a text repeatedly, the stopspam disables the spam command, and the allowspam command enables the spam command if it is disabled.

  5. guessnum <maximum number>

    This command hosts a game of guessing number with the user.

This is a fun little project, the guessnum command was called the most. I might add more commands in the future.